İlkyaz Akdemir
7 Kas 2023
The mobility of our Erasmus+ TOYS "Think Outside of Yourself" Youth Exchange project was held in Baia Mare (Romania) on 11 October- 17 October 2023. A total of 42 young people and seven group leaders participated in the mobility with seven participants from six different countries.
The project was hosted by Romania- Centru Pentru Dezvoltare Durabıla Greentın. Participants from Turkey- Medıterrenıan Youth Club, Portugal- Assocıação Inspıra! - Intervenção Juvenıl E Ambıental, Poland- Regıonalne Centrum Wolontarıatu, Macedonia- Assocıatıon For Sustaınable Development Sfera Internatıonal Bıtola, Italy- Scambıeuropeı and Malta-Proutıst Unıversal Malta. The aim of the mobility is to approach sustainable development from a comprehensive perspective, starting from individuals to local communities, nations and cultural levels. In order for the participants to benefit equally from the activities, it was important that they were in the same age group (17-21).
Students from Akdeniz University participated in the project under the leadership of Res. Asst. İlkyaz Akdemir through the Mediterranean Youth Club, established by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Eren.
During the project, various safe space and self-discovery activities were organized and the European Union and its sustainable development goals were taken into consideration. The project owners also included cultural nights and gave young people a chance to get to know different cultures.
Visits to Baia Mare's valuable and important museums and archaeological sites were also organized. For more information about the project owner "Centrul Pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Greentin", please visit http://centrulgreentin.blogspot.com/