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Reflecting on an Epic Journey: Family Training Course in Szarvask Forests

Nestled amidst the tranquil beauty of Hungary's Szarvask Forests lies an extraordinary initiative that promises to redefine the way youth perceive and prepare for family life. From August 8th to 18th, 2022, this verdant sanctuary played host to a transformative training course aimed at equipping young individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for establishing and nurturing harmonious families.


2022 August, the Szarvask Forests played host to a remarkable training course aimed at preparing youth for the challenges and joys of family life. Taking place from August 8th to 18th, this exciting event provided participants with an opportunity to learn about establishing and living in harmonious families.


The primary aim of this special training course was to prepare youth for family life and impart skills for living together harmoniously. Additionally, topics such as preparing for parenthood, waiting for a baby, giving birth, and raising a child were among the focal points of the course.


However, the experience in the Szarvask Forests extended beyond just family life. Participants also aimed to embrace a healthy lifestyle, learn survival skills in nature, and explore different cultures. Coming together with partners from various countries including Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Belarus, and Poland, youth discovered the importance of working in an international setting and embracing cultural diversity.


It was essential for the project to remain fully active and focus solely on the designated topics. Therefore, participants lived away from the village, disconnected from external influences such as the internet and television, fully immersed in the embrace of nature.


With a total of 20 participants, this unforgettable adventure left a lasting impact on the youth involved. The unique experience in the Szarvask Forests provided participants with a fresh perspective on the challenges and beauties of family life.


  • 217SUR (Spain): 4 participants (and 2 extra) 

  •  Coda di Lupo (Italy): 2 participants 

  •  Salvaj (Italy): 2 participants 

  •  VSI GEROS VALIOS ISTAIGA (Lithuania): 3 participants 

  •  MEDITERRANEAN YOUTH CLUB (Turkey): 2 participants 

  •  Merzifon Bilsem Genclik Grubu (Turkey): 2 participants (and 1 extra) 

  •  Child and Family Support Center (Belorus): 3 participants 

  •  FUNDACJA DOBRA WOLA (Poland): 3 participants 


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